Giroud has 50 goals and we’ve got a measly three download locations for the new podcast: iTunes, the raw RSS feed and our archive. Deal with it.
Arsenal turn in their most professional week of football yet as they achieve the seemingly-impossible in Athens by securing passage to the Champions League round of 16 before coasting past hapless Villa on the weekend. Helping us measure the value of 16 successive knockout round UCL appearances, rate Arsenal’s injury stand-ins and tell Joel Campbell to not get out while he can will be returning guest Tim Bostelle of 7amkickoff.com.
…and if you’re a) sick and tired of buying stuff for other people this holiday season, b) sick and tired of hearing how little David Moyes knows about anything, or c) BOTH, pick up a Peak Özil tshirt (pictured below) to support the Özil cause. Because there is….an Özil….cause………apparently….